Five Applications for Aluminum Packaging Tubes

Aluminum packaging tubes are widely used packaging containers made primarily from aluminum metal. These tubes are designed to hold and dispense a variety of products, ranging from cosmetics and pharmaceuticals to adhesives and food products. What makes them unique is their collapsible nature, which allows users to squeeze out the contents gradually without introducing air into the tube, ensuring the…

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Choosing the Right Suppliers for Empty Glue Tubes

Selecting the right supplier for empty glue tubes to package adhesives and sealants is a critical decision that directly impacts the quality, functionality, and success of your products. Adhesives and sealants require reliable packaging that ensures longevity, prevents leakage, and maintains their efficacy. Let’s look at the key points to evaluate supplier and to make an informed choice: 1. Define…

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Soft Tube for Packaging: Choosing the Right Type for Your Product

Soft tube plays a crucial role in the world of product packaging across industries like cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, food, adhesives, and more. It offers a convenient, protective solution to keep products safe from contaminants, air, light, and moisture. There are three main types of soft tube: pure aluminum tubes, plastic tubes, and aluminum barrier laminate tubes. Each type has its own…

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White Tube: Getting to Know Aluminum Tube Coating

“White tube” or "white painted tube" is a common name to specify tubes in white color. For white-colored aluminum collapsible tubes, most people get the impression that the tubes are printed white. Actually they are “coated” white. What are the differences? Here are some points to know about white tubes. #1. Aluminum tubes are coated with saturated polyester resin, which…

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